TRIPLET CIRCLE – In a shocking revelation, it’s been revealed that the Rose-Hulman triplets (Blumberg, Mees, and Sharpenberg), once were quadruplets. The long-lost sibling, Logan Hall, was found through a broken placard during an unsanctioned Greek life pledge activity. The discovery was made by current triplet resident Laurel T. Rex. Logan hall was constructed in 1967 at the same time as the currently standing triplets. The building was named Logan to honor John A Logan for his five years of excellent leadership and nerdism. Logan Hall housed electrical engineering students for the 5 years that it was standing, but had to be demolished due to its residents tampering with the electrical system. Fortunately, John A Logan wouldn’t have to wait long before an opportunity to name a second building. A plan was in place to build a library, so the president’s office decided to further honor Logan by constructing the Logan library. The library opened 2 years later in 1974. Because this piece of history was lost for so long, the chair of the Electrical Engineering department Dr. Mario Simoni declared June 2nd to be a day of remembrance, inviting all students to think about what history their creations are making.